Saturday, February 7, 2009

like i care anyways

I got up at 8am today for the 5th time this week and rode my bike to the mall. It's about 7 miles away. It's the same mall that I used to pick my little sister up from when she would be on bars. Same mall she got fingered at for the first time by her first boyfriend, hot chinese. If you would have told me 5 years ago that at some time in the future I would be spending over 40 hrs a week working at this mall I would have probably slapped you and told you to fuck off. But that is the cold hard truth now. i sit in a cave all day and listen to music and play with clothes. I have come to despise clothing. It makes me sick. I wipe boogers on the clothes often. And then I check a few days later to see if they are still there.

Thank you american apparel for underpaying me and undermining me.

This is where the song "I've got to break free" comes in.

Going clubbing(ya, I am such a clubbin fool) with the girls from the store tonight. And the owner of the company.
i hope no one fucks him. But I'm sure they all would. I used to joke around and say I would, just because I thought it was so out there and the opportunity would never present itself. But last week, when he was googly eyeing all of us and taking pictures, the opportunity seemed more present than ever. i feel sick and sweaty and really really hot, but not in an "ooo baby way." I need substances.